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Labor Day Work Weekend

Sacred Heart Retreat Camp 896 Cienega Rd., Big Bear Lake, California

Our Work Weekend is a time for volunteers to come and serve with the Sisters doing general camp upkeep as well as special projects.  Please consider joining us.

84th Anniversary for Sacred Heart Sisters

Sister Ida professed her vows on October 7, 1940, which we celebrate as the birthday of our Community. Please pray in gratitude for the gift of Sister Ida's life today!

Winter Staff Volunteer Orientation Retreat

Sacred Heart Retreat Camp 896 Cienega Rd., Big Bear Lake, California

Young adult Volunteers ages 18+ are needed to help during Confirmation Retreats. Be a positive witness to the future of our Church!

Fall Women’s Retreat

Sacred Heart Retreat Camp 896 Cienega Rd., Big Bear Lake, California

During these days you will have the opportunity to draw nearer to our Lord Jesus through presentations, time for quiet prayer, faith sharing, and more.

Men’s Retreat

Sacred Heart Retreat Camp 896 Cienega Rd., Big Bear Lake, California

During these days you will have the opportunity to draw nearer to our Lord Jesus through presentations, time for quiet prayer, faith sharing, and more.

Anniversary of Sister Ida’s Entrance into Eternal Life

Sister Ida's life on earth ended as it had been lived, focused on the One whom she had given her life to.  She passed on to eternal life on February 8, 2000, in the Motherhouse of the Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart in Northridge, California.

Spring Women’s Retreat

Sacred Heart Retreat Camp 896 Cienega Rd., Big Bear Lake, California

During these days you will have the opportunity to draw nearer to our Lord Jesus through presentations, time for quiet prayer, faith sharing, and more.

Memorial Day Work Weekend

Sacred Heart Retreat Camp 896 Cienega Rd., Big Bear Lake, California

Our Work Weekend is a time for volunteers to come and serve with the Sisters doing general camp upkeep as well as special projects.  Please consider joining us.